Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hi! Just got home from a long day. Got one last run in this season & it was awesome. I have a newfound appreciation for snowboarding now that I can carve & even hit a box every now & then. Such a vast improvement from last season where I couldn't even get off the lift. Jen, Kim & myself all learned how to carve this season in hopes to keep up with the boys. Such an accomplishment. This season I conquered the ski lift, carving and boxes/table tops.

Now to just show off my mad skills to my Hubby Bubby. Who I miss more than anything. I've been enlisted and now I'm a military spouse & not to underestimate the work they put out while they are out there BUT it is a little tougher on this end. "We train for missions, they train to carry on" my favorite line from Army Wives. The way I deal is keep busy. Keeping busy is the number one remedy to the loneliness. Sometimes I feel like I exhaust myself with school so much it doesn't even give me an opportunity to dwell on the fact that my husband is deployed. There are days when coming home to an empty home isn't easy but I have no choice but to deal with it and I try to just let it roll. Not gonna lie though, I've had days where it just wouldn't roll. Hmph. I'm human. *shrugs* Don't judge me.

Enough of my delusional & emotional bulljive. Moral of the story is I miss Ronnie. <--- PERIOD.

I'm so sleepy and as I'm sitting here I'm trying to muster the energy to get my ass in the shower so I can catch some Z's.

I have so much homework I need to do tomorrow. I'm actually excited to get into it. My classes are awesome this quarter. I'm taking History of Fashion 1, Fundamentals of Marketing, Textiles, Consumer Behavior and Image Manipulation (Photoshop & Illustrator).

Okay, my eyes are getting heavy and I smell like "outside" as my Mother would say.

Have a good one!


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